Welcome !!

Welcome to "The Treble and Bass of Music". I am so glad you stopped by. This blog is designed to give parents and students some direction when it comes to playing piano in the areas of technique, practicing and pedagogical information. I will also highlight certain composers that we are studying over the year and give suggestions regarding your own compositions.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!! As 2012 begins take the time to address your piano practice routine. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. What time of day works best for my practice without having interruptions?
2. Do I understand what I need to do for the week?
3. Am I practicing mistakes over and over or am I making an effort to correct and move on?
4. Am I listening to how musical I am playing or am I only concentrating on notes and rhythms?
5. How can I make my practice time more beneficial? Talk to me at your lesson about that!
6. Have I forgotten about doing Tonic Tutor assignments?
7. Have I started my composing project? Deadline for entries is March 1, 2012

See you in the studio---we might even play with my new iPad!!

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