Welcome !!

Welcome to "The Treble and Bass of Music". I am so glad you stopped by. This blog is designed to give parents and students some direction when it comes to playing piano in the areas of technique, practicing and pedagogical information. I will also highlight certain composers that we are studying over the year and give suggestions regarding your own compositions.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October practice ideas

October!!! How did it get here so fast?!? Well, by now you have had a chance to get moving on your new repertoire and have probably remained quite motivated with your pieces. How can you and your parent keep it going? Here are some fun ideas of how to practice together:
1. Students play one hand while the parent claps the rhythm of the other hand, if the music has both clefs. Then switch.
2. Progress to playing duets. Student plays one hand while parent plays the other line. Then switch places.
3. If the parent is unsure of the music, have the student teach the parent!! How fun! Kids love it!!
4. Sing all the words if they are available and make up other silly words. Create words if they are not in the score.
5. Play the piece correctly as written, then "mess" with it by changing notes, octaves and dynamics. Encourage laughter!! How silly can we get?

There...now you have 5 different ways to practice for 5 days of rehearsing!!