Welcome !!

Welcome to "The Treble and Bass of Music". I am so glad you stopped by. This blog is designed to give parents and students some direction when it comes to playing piano in the areas of technique, practicing and pedagogical information. I will also highlight certain composers that we are studying over the year and give suggestions regarding your own compositions.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Playing between the notes!!

Music is not just about playing correct notes---anyone can do that! Music is musical and therefore requires an attentive ear. Of course , the notes are necessary, but playing the right notes at the right times will not communicate the intentions of the composer. Music is not about black lines and dots...it is about form, imagination, soul, colour and character. Every piece of music has something to say and it is the musician's job (no matter how young or old) to convey a meaningful message.
      So how can a young performer do this? Investigate the score through a variety of lenses which involve the historical influences on the piece and its composer, theoretical and structural relationships within the piece, and the piece's place in the larger musical picture. If a young student just focuses on notes, reading and putting those black marks onto the correct location of a piano keyboard,  no artistic choices will be made. Encourage your young and older student/child to be creative. They can hear and create character and style at the keyboard. And the cool thing is that they do it without inhibition. Start early in their development. If you are reading a story about dinosaurs or elephants or butterflies--go to the keyboard with them and create those sounds.
      As the child develops their musical language they will instinctively be able to play creatively between the notes to create magic at the keyboard!!!